CPP denies fake Hun Sen recording, vote-rigging

The ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) has denounced a recording posted on Facebook of Prime Minister Hun Sen saying that his CPP had lost in last month’s fifth parliamentary election. Someone had edited and re-recorded a speech he had performed a few weeks ago, said authorities. The CPP considered the fake recording as an horrendous act aimed to cause public confusion and social instability as well as destroy the credibility of the first official election results announced by the National Election Committee (NEC), according to statement issued by the CPP on Monday. “This group of con-people are engaging in law breaking activities during this tense time where Cambodians need more stability and calmness, not fear,” the statement added, urging the necessary authorities take action and catch the people responsible for the recording. The CPP also denied allegations by the opposition party that it had colluded with the NEC in the act of ballot-rigging. “Allegations that the CPP colluded with the NEC in the act of vote-rigging are groundless accusations and have the intention of misleading the public,” said a CPP statement released Monday night. “The CPP categorically rejects these allegations.” …
